New bike logo for SLO Cyclist designed by de la Riva Brands

What is SLO Cyclist?: SLO (say it slow) stands for San Luis Obispo, which is one of the best places to live in the country–Oprah said so. We originally started this site as a little guide to cycling in SLO, but the response has been exceptional. now hosts a large, worldwide audience, and we’ve expanded our scope.

SLO is still one of the coolest places to ride bikes. Come on down and visit–we’ve got trails and paths and roads and beaches. All of them are great, except for the ones that aren’t.

What Makes You Special?: Here at SLO Cyclist, we’re trying to be something you haven’t seen before. Sure, not everything we talk about is new and different, but we want to be different in the way we talk about it. That’s mostly because I am unable to take anything really seriously. I’ve been told it’s a psychological issue.

So we’re not gonna reflect on what “togetherness” means here, but we will try to make you enjoy your stay without being mean about it.

Who’s In Charge Here?: That’s me. I’m Johnny: Editor-In-Chief. But there are plenty of other writers who contribute, and you can check them out on the masthead.

What Kinds Of Stuff Do You Cover?: All kinds, thanks. Mostly road cycling, but also triathlon and cyclocross. We like talking about new bike gear and trends. We also like doing informative articles and making funny stuff like memes. Funny is our thing, so we try to play that up.

If you’re in the bike industry, and you want us to write about you or your gear, send us a message.

So that about sums us up. If you have any questions or ideas, you want to write for us, or just say, “hey,” please feel free to send us a message.


-Johnny, Editor-In-Chief


